Zajedno Na Putu application is available to Android users for
quick and easy download by clicking the DOWNLOAD APP button

What does the Zajedno Na Putu loyalty program bring you

With the Zajedno Na Putu loyalty program, every kilometer brings you valuable benefits!
Collect bonus points and use them for purchasing fuel, products, and services.
Enjoy exclusive offers and promotions that bring real savings:

  • Up to 0.08 KM per liter for G-Drive fuel and up to 0.06 KM per liter on standard fuel;*
  • -0.50 KM discount on your favorite Drive Cafe coffee;
  • Every 10th Drive Cafe coffee is FREE OF CHARGE;
  • Every 7th Drive Cafe sandwich is FREE OF CHARGE.”

Download the mobile app and manage your bonus points quickly and easily – directly from your mobile phone.

*The calculation refers to the savings on G-Drive fuel within the Platinum level of Zajedno Na Putu loyalty program. 1 KM equals 1 bonus point, which can be used for various benefits.

Steps for downloading the application

1. Click the red button “DOWNLOAD APP”.**

2. Once the window opens, click on Download. The application file will be downloaded.***

3. Open the downloaded application by clicking Open, and now that the app is on your phone, you can proceed with the installation.

4. Click on Install.

5. The application will be installed on your mobile phone.

6. After the installation, you can access the app by clicking on Open.

7. The application is ready to use. Register and enjoy the benefits provided by the Zajedno Na Putu application.

*Downloading the application file may be blocked if the Auto Blocker is enabled in your phone’s security and privacy settings. To download the file and install the application, disable this option.

**Depending on your mobile phone model, a security message may appear. This application has passed security testing and will not harm your phone.

***The download of Zajedno Na Putu app is currently not available for Apple device users. If you are an Apple device user, call our free Call Center at 08 005 8888 to join our loyalty program.