Learn how to collect coupons to earn gift vouchers

Drive Cafe hot drinks are a great pick-me-up along the way. Not only will you enjoy their great flavour, you will also get a coupon for every Drive Cafe hot drink you buy. For every nine coupons you collect as part of the Zajedno na putu loyalty program you get a voucher for a free Drive Cafe hot drink.

Collecting coupons does not combine with other discounts and promotional offers at filling stations. Transactions where you use your bonus points do not qualify for collecting coupons.

You can collect coupons up to December 31, 2025.

What Drive Cafe hot drinks do I get coupons for?

Click the link below to see what selected Drive Cafe hot drinks are included in the program.


Where can I get coupons?

You can collect coupons for Drive Cafe hot drinks at any Gazprom or NIS Petrol filling station.

How can I check the status of my collected coupons?

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Open the Zajedno na putu mobile app, go to My offers tab, and open My coupons. If you do not have the app, download it for free from you preferred app marketplace.

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Contact our free call center at 08 005 8888.

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Print out a receipt with your bonus points at a cash register at any of our filling stations.

Are there any other products I can collect coupons and get free vouchers for?

As a member of the Zajedno na putu loyalty program you can collect coupons and earn gift vouchers for the Drive Cafe fresh sandwiches, G-Drive energy drinks, and car wash services at NIS Petrol and Gazprom filling stations.

Is there anything else I should know about collecting coupons?

Collecting coupons is only available for clients of the Zajedno na putu loyalty program.

Benefits of the Zajedno na putu loyalty program may not be combined with the benefits of other programs on Gazprom and NIS Petrol filling stations, such as Agro cards, NIS Gazprom corporate cards, or Taxi cards.

Collecting coupons does not combine with other discounts and promotional offers at Gazprom and NIS Petrol filling stations.

Transactions where you use your bonus points do not qualify for collecting coupons.

Transactions where you use your gift vouchers do not qualify for collecting coupons.

Maximum daily number of transactions where you can earn coupons is three (same as for collection of bonus points).